Statement of purpose (a.k.a. What?)

9 08 2011

Now that I have a basic web dev environment it is time to install my ide. I usually use emacs for quick tasks and eclipse for longer more ide-y stuff.

I’m gonna install eclipsed helios javascript edition. I’ll also install a couple of plugins such as color themes, aptana and git.

Here we go.

How to install eclipse indigo (and android!) on Ubuntu.

I tend to make a folder called work in my home directory. Under this I will have a folder called ide and extract the eclipse download here. Then I create a link to eclipse on the desktop.

You could always install via the Ubuntu software center. To each her own.

Open up eclipse. Go to the Help->Install new software and place this in the link:

This will get you Aptana with all its fun stuff.

In the beginning there was c:> …

9 08 2011



  1. Setup node.js  on Ubuntu 11.04
  2. Setup ruby rails dev environment on Ubuntu 11.04.
  3. Setup node.js development  environment on Ubuntu 11.04.
  4. Finally standarize development tools.

Ruby/Rails Ubuntu 11.04

8 08 2011

Here the tutorial I followed:

Alwys at my bitsend …

8 08 2011

Ubuntu 11.04 node.js install

8 08 2011

So I went to


So that worked out well.  Now until I get some sort of tutorial going go here I’m still learning wordpress. I’ll get better.

Ubuntu 11.04 is installed … next steps

8 08 2011

Open it up. Nice. Need terminal.

Hit the weird microscope plus plus key. Open terminal. Right click on terminal icon in side bar. Add it to the launcher. I really don’t like this launcher. I want my mac launcher.

Starting the Ubuntu install

8 08 2011


So I have an old machine just sitting there giving me the evil eye.

I burned ubuntu 10.04 to disc (should have burned 11.04).  Installed it. Now waiting for updates to finish (actually ubdating to 11.04 … gonna take a while).
